Greatest singer songwriters
We at the LWC like our singer songwriters. Who are the top 5? We'd say:
1) Neil Young
Though the man can rock with Crazy Horse like the very best of them, there are few to better him when it comes to the troubadour stakes. Achingly beautiful songs like Thrasher, Expecting to Fly and Don't Let it Bring You Down are scattered across his formidable back catalogue.
2) Nick Drake
An obvious one, but its difficult to not to include the man when you consider the light and dark of such classic songs as Fly, Cello Song and Fruit Tree.
3) Jackson C Frank
Just one LP and a fascinating and tragic life. Listen to Milk and Honey and Blues Run the Game and you'll understand why he has inspired so many musicians.
4) Bob Dylan
Some people hate Bob's voice. Sure his current singing voice is pretty dreadful but in his prime it was as effective as any. Listen to any of his early LPs, such as Freewheelin', and you'll see why he influenced the Beatles and so many other musicians to change the music landscape.
5) Tom Waits
Another artist whose voice may not be to everyone's taste. The easy route in is to listen to the rather wonderful Closing Time and Heart of Saturday Night LPs, and you'll be hooked.